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Tool Kits | July 19, 2023

Preparing to Enhance Protection in Disasters (PrEPD)

Preparing to Enhance Protection in Disasters (PrEPD)
With support and funding from USAID/BHA, CRS' Preparing to Enhance Protection in Disasters (PrEPD) project developed a comprehensive Toolkit to support local DRR actors and humanitarian actors in embedding safe and dignified programming principles and standards in their work. Launched in 2021, the Toolkit was developed and tested in three countries: the Philippines, Sierra Leone, and Uganda, and grounded in the needs and priorities of local stakeholders. Since May 2024, the PrEPD Toolkit has been funded by CRS's own resources and will be rolled out and adapted in new geographical areas, specifically Madagascar and the Latin America region, in addition to the former PrEPD countries.
Please be advised that the PrEPD Toolkit, along with all its downloadable resources and materials, is presented in both Word and PDF formats, as listed below in each of its parts. It's important to note that the Word format has been intentionally designed to align with the specific contextual adaptation needs of supporting first responders in DRR and other technical sectors, as well as national DRR actors, in incorporating safe and dignified principles and standards in disaster responses. We understand that this involves an ongoing process of learning and adaptation. Therefore, the PrEPD tools are formatted to allow for ease in implementing changes and collaborating with local actors, partners, and languages.
If you have any questions or would like to organize a presentation of the PrEPD Toolkit, please contact us at: [email protected]. If you have any feedback or suggestions regarding the Toolkit and its tools, please fill out this quick survey:


PrEPD Toolkit

Word    PDF


PrEPD Philippines Country Program Milestones Event  March 2024