Climate Change
Care for Our One Planet, One Family
Rising temperatures. Longer and more extreme droughts. More intense rainfall and dangerous storms. As we experience the consequences of climate change in the United States, we recognize that communities around the world—those who have contributed the least to climate change—are being impacted the most.
Across the world, Catholic Relief Services is working shoulder-to-shoulder with communities to survive in the face of climate change. But surviving is not enough. We must work together and act now to protect our planet so our sisters and brothers can thrive.
Advocate the Green Climate Fund
Ask Congress to address the impacts and root causes of climate change by investing in the Green Climate Fund.
Already lifted your voice? Make a donation today!
Prayer brings us closer to God and unites us in solidarity with our global family. Use these prayers individually or with your community to reflect on how climate change has harmed our sisters and brothers and how we can respond.
Prayer on Climate Change
Reflect on the impact climate change has had on our planet and pray for the Holy Spirit to change our hearts and inspire us to act.
PRAY NOWResources to Take Action
Our faith calls us to action, and when we come together as a global community, we can make a big impact. Find resources and tools to pray, learn, take action and inspire your community to care for our common home.
Climate Change Action Toolkit
Pray, learn about and act on the issue of climate change, and inspire others to take action.
Visit our action center for how-to guides to build your skills, mobilize your community and make a difference through advocacy and community giving. Share about your advocacy work with the advocacy reporting tool.