U.S. Partners
Welcome U.S. Partners
Catholic Relief Services invites you to join us as we continue our work of more than 80 years of lifting up the poor and upholding human dignity. Our story is your story. You bring CRS to life. You are a vital part of our past, present and future, and we couldn’t do it without you. This video tells our story while marking our 75-year anniversary.
In partnership with 45 national organizations, CRS Mission and Mobilization engages U.S. Catholics to live their faith in solidarity with the poor and suffering people of the world overseas. We provide CRS Diocesan Directors and our partners with the tools, resources and professional development opportunities they need to promote social justice and solidarity through the lens of Catholic social teaching.
For additional information about how to engage with U.S. programs that support our global family, contact us at [email protected] or call the CRS Mission and Mobilization Division at 877-435-7277 (877-HelpCRS).