Pro Forma IRS Form 990
Catholic Relief Services is grateful to the millions of donors whose compassion and generosity makes our work possible. We know that a big part of your decision to contribute to our important work comes from your faith and trust in us. That is why we take seriously our responsibility to be efficient, accountable and transparent with our financial information.
Read the Pledge to Donors that CRS makes to honor donor intent.
As part of our continuing efforts to keep you informed,information about CRS' finances is now available on our Pro Forma Form 990. Although CRS, as a religious organization, is not required to file a Form 990 to the IRS, we have posted it for informational purposes only in order to demonstrate our commitment to transparency. CRS is also releasing this information to illustrate how your generous donations are being used throughout the world.
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For more information about our finances or your donation, please call 1-888-277-7575.