Publications by crs staff
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Bolstering the Soy Value Chain to Address Malnutrition
This brief documents the Budikadidi RFSA’s soybean pilot intervention and offers early lessons learned and recommendations.
Between 2017 and 2023, a CRS-led consortium implemented the USAID-funded Budikadidi Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA) in the DRC’s Kasaï Oriental...More
Code of Conduct and Ethics
To ensure that all CRS Employees, Affiliates, and Board Directors are aware of the agency’s Code of Conduct and Ethics and CRS’ commitment to the highest standards of personal integrity, moral conduct, ethics, and accountability to those we serve. In addition, the agency will implement and...More
PrEPD Glossary
Terms related to Safe and Dignified Programming, Accountability and DRR.More
CRS Homes and Communities Strategic Change Platform: FY20-22 Progress Update
Integration for Behavior Change – Approaches and Challenges
This 2022 learning study was designed to document the Budikadidi project’s approach to multi-sectoral programming integration and offer insights for leveraging integration to promote and sustain social and behavior change (SBC).
Between 2017 and 2023, a CRS-led consortium implemented the...More
Gender-Sensitive Labor-Saving Technologies & Practices
This DRC-based learning study was designed to drive greater understanding of whether the gender-sensitive labor-saving technologies and practices (GSLSTP) promoted by the Budikadidi project results in time savings and impacted gendered roles and responsibilities.
Between 2017 and 2023, a...More
Integration of the Care Group Model within Ministry of Health Structures
This learning study was designed to trace the development of the Budikadidi project care group model, assess its integration within government structures and document the project’s handover process.
Between 2017 and 2023, a CRS-led consortium implemented the USAID-funded Budikadidi...More
Sudan Emergency Response Strategy
On April 15, 2023, armed conflict erupted across Sudan with fighting concentrated in the capital, Khartoum, and in cities across the Darfur and Kordofan states. An estimated 4.7 million people have been displaced within the country, or fled across the border to neighboring Egypt,
...MoreMaking money from vanilla
Intended for use by trainers, extension agents and other actors who work with vanilla farmers in Uganda. The focus of this guide is the Lesson plans, that extension agents will use to build the capacity of smallholder farmers to improve their livelihoods, upgrade their agroforestry-based vanilla...More
Private Sector Engagement Theory of Change, Key Metrics, and Learning Agenda Brief
This document is a brief overview of a theory of change, key metrics and a learning agenda for private sector engagement (PSE) across CRS. The resource draws from existing PSE work across CRS as well as from PSE work around the world. It not only illustrates what CRS is already achieving through...More
PrEPD Part 4 Lessons Learned and Emerging Best Practices
Part 4 has case studies from the project. It includes lessons learned on embedding safe and dignified programming approaches in preparedness and response work.More
PrEPD Part 3 Tools to Raise Awareness on Rights and Entitlements
Part 3 has tools to raise awareness raising on rights and entitlements with diverse community members. The tools are designed for local DRR and humanitarian actors to use in communities. It includes training materials on raising awareness on rights and entitlements. It also...More
Faciliter la gestion communautaire des risques de catastrophes
Ce guide est basé sur des manuels précédents élaborés par CRS, CAFOD et Caritas Australie. Il ajoute de nouvelles sections pour renforcer le leadership communautaire et les mécanismes de participation, ainsi que sur la manière d'intégrer l'adaptation au changement climatique. Également...More
Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres Dirigida por la Comunidad
Esta guía se basa en manuales anteriores elaborados por CRS y CAFOD, y agrega nuevas secciones sobre cómo fortalecer los mecanismos de liderazgo y participación comunitaria, así como cómo integrar la adaptación al cambio climático. También disponible en...More
PrEPD Part 2 Tools to Support Local Shock-Responsive Systems
Part 2 has tools to support local shock-responsive systems. The tools are designed for local DRR and humanitarian actors. It includes guidance on how to develop or adapt feedback mechanisms, referral pathways, and codes of conduct. It also has a simulation exercise to test...More
Preparing to Enhance Protection in Disasters (PrEPD)
PrEPD Part 1 Tools for Safe and Dignified Programming
Innovating for Resilience
There is growing evidence that savings groups can be an essential source of financial resilience, particularly with regards to absorptive resilience capacity – helping buffer shocks by providing both financial support and social capital. Beyond their classic financial functions, CRS‘...More
CRS Approach to Market Systems Development for Housing Solutions
CRS is recognized for supporting families and communities throughout the full continuum of an emergency response - from relief to recovery - to ensure that people not only have the support to survive in the wake of a disaster but have the foundation to thrive long after it. With the increased...More
Gender-Sensitive Labor-Saving Technologies and Practices
This brief outlines how and why labor-saving technologies and approaches when integrated with other gender transformative approaches can be instrumental in advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment. This brief offers practical guidance on how with proper assessment, planning, and...More
Maharo Gender Analysis Report
MAHARO is a five-year projet (2019-2024) focused on food security funded by the Resiliency Food Security Assistance (RSFA) Program of USAID/FFP. It is implemented by the Consortium: CRS, CDD, Venture 37, Youth First, Humanity - Inclusion, Cornell University, and Harvard University. This gender...More
Ifaa Gender Analysis Report
As a continuation of the previous Development Food Security Activity, the CRS-implemented Ifaa (meaning “light” in Afaan Oromo) activity is a five-year Resilience Food Security Activity program in Ethiopia supported by the USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance with the goal of...More
Girma Gender Analysis Report
The Girma program—meaning ‘dignity, prestige, and growth’ in Hausa—is funded by the United States Agency for International Development/ Food for Peace (USAID/ FFP) and implemented by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and its partners—Education Development Center (EDC), Community Development...More
CRS Safe and Dignified Homes and Communities Technical Handout
This overview provides an insight into the technical approach of CRS' Homes and Communities strategic platform. During emergencies, the loss of a home can fracture a family’s identity—and have a grave impact on their safety, health, prosperity, emotional well-being and dignity. Often, people are...More
CRS Safe and Dignified Homes and Communities 1-Pager
This overview provides a summary of CRS' approach to its safe, dignified Homes and Communities strategic platform. During emergencies, the loss of a home can fracture a family’s identity—and have a grave impact on their safety, health, prosperity, emotional well-being and dignity. Often, people...More
Making a Home, Building a Community: Community-led Settlement Manual Northern Shan and Kachin, Myanmar
This manual aims to capture the knowledge and experiences from the long-standing engagement of Karuna Mission Social Solidarity (KMSS) in providing vital humanitarian and shelter & settlement assistance to displaced populations in Myanmar. In particular, the manual aims to document
...MoreBuilding Climate-Resilient Homes and Communities: Ten Best Practices
Around the world, climate change is greatly impacting the lives of vulnerable communities as erratic rainfall, more frequent and catastrophic storms and more prolonged droughts decimate lives and livelihoods. At Catholic Relief Services, we see the consequences of climate change everywhere we...More
Women Leadership Curriculum
The purpose of this facilitator’s manual is to support CRS staff to engage with women leaders and potential women leaders to strengthen their self-confidence and build their leadership skills to actively engage in community structures. ...More
Exploring Community Volunteer Incentive Structures
In 2022, the DRC Budikadidi team launched a study to capture learning on the coherence, impact, and sustainability of the project’s incentive structures.
Between 2017 and 2023, a CRS-led consortium implemented the USAID-funded Budikadidi Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA) in...More
Water Market Assessment in Maiduguri, Nigeria (2019)
CRS conducted a market assessment of the water system in Maiduguri, Nigeria in 2019. The assessment aimed to understand the formal and informal water market in the context and identify pilot activities and recommendations for market-based water programming. This report summarizes the methodology...More
Engaging the Informal Private Water Sector to Respond to Water Supply Needs in Urban Areas: Final Report (2023)
CRS completed a comparative operational research project that evaluated which was the most effective and sustainable way of meeting populations water needs in urban areas. The research asked the following: ‘Is it more effective to directly support an existing informal private water sector rather...More
The Benefits of Social Cohesion Integration for Multisectoral Programming
In 2022, the DRC Budikadidi team launched a social cohesion learning study to document the project’s unique approach to social cohesion and governance integration, explore its influence on project outcomes, and offer recommendations for achieving greater development-peacebuilding coherence in...More
Strengthening Social Cohesion & Governance in the DRC
Since 2017, CRS has empowered communities across the Kasaï Oriental Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to talk about what divides them, uphold what unites them, and act together for stronger, healthier, and more just social ties. Witnessing the positive results of...More
Safer and Healthier Homes: Low-cost and Sustainable House Design and Construction
The purpose of this curriculum is to enhance best construction practices inl ow-cost housing, considering safer construction and environmental, health, and well-being aspects, through shelter design, construction materials, and construction techniques, mitigating risks related to physical and...More
The Incalculable Value of Digital Health Campaigns: Perspectives from Benin
Health campaigns are only effective when they can achieve high coverage, at scale. Yet, with paper-based records, it can be difficult to verify who was reached during a campaign and true coverage can be near or even below the minimum needed to achieve anticipated health outcomes. Digital...More
Digital Response in the COVID-19 Environment
The COVID-19 pandemic elevated the use of digital technology in programming from an opportunity to a fundamental need. The social distancing required to stave off the virus has made technology an essential means for the continuation of service delivery. As such, many CRS country programs,...More
CRS Sahel Humanitarian Response Strategy 2023-2025
The sharply worsening conflict in the Central Sahel, the mass displacement it’s caused, and a new global hunger crisis have created a humanitarian catastrophe in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger in 2022. The Sahel Crisis requires a well-coordinated, rapid, and robust humanitarian response to...More
Child-Optimized Financial Education (COFE) manuals
CRS’ curriculum, entitled Child-Optimized Financial Education (COFE): Moving Families from Vulnerability to Thriving, is unique among financial education curricula. It helps caregivers look holistically at the financial lives of their families, with an emphasis on meeting the basic needs of...More
CRS Afghanistan Emergency Response and Recovery Strategy: Drought and Economic Crisis
This document provides a detailed overview on CRS' emergency response and recovery strategy to the compounded humanitarian emergencies facing people in Afghanistan, including an economic crisis and the impacts of severe drought. CRS has been serving Afghan families since 2002, with offices...More
CRS Emergency Strategy for India COVID-19 Response
Read about CRS and partner efforts to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic in India that threatens the health and survival of millions. The strategy outlines priority...More
Strengthening Partners in Protection against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse through Protection Mainstreaming
Read a brief 2-page overview on program impact, recommendations and learnings from a three-year CRS project that helps to strengthen the capacity of 38 local or national organizations...More
Atteindre des impacts sur la santé a l’échelle
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) a établi avec succés un partenariat avec les agencies gouvernementales nationales de santé dans plusieurs pays afin d’améliorer l’efficacité, la qualité et la couverture des interventions communautaires contre le paludisme qui soutiennent les strategies nationales...More
Achieving Health Impacts at Scale
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has successfully partnered with national government health agencies in several countries to improve the efficiency, quality, and coverage of community based malaria interventions that support national malaria elimination strategies through scaled ICT applications...More
Micro Assurance Santé - Bénin
Au Benin, la majorité des ménages pauvres ont un accès limité aux soins de santé, ce qui a des conséquences...More
Digital by Default
The rapid development and adoption of digital technology is transforming how people worldwide access information, goods, and services. Digital technology has the power to spur economic growth, improve development outcomes, and lift millions out of poverty.
USAID has released its first-...More
Social Cohesion Indicators Bank
This Indicators Bank is designed to be used by CRS staff and partners tasked with design, proposal-writing, implementation and Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) for programs seeking to strengthen social cohesion. It can be used both with standalone and integrated social...More
The mini-Social Cohesion Barometer:
This Guide explains how to use the mini-Social Cohesion Barometer (The Barometer). The Barometer can be applied in various ways, but its main purpose is to help people in conflicted societies talk about what divides them, what unites them, and to act on this understanding for enhanced social...More
Cost-effectiveness of youth workforce development
Across the world there are 1.8 billion young people aged 16–25, 85 percent of whom live in developing/emerging economies or fragile states. More
Addressing Causes of Migration
In Latin America, one in five youth aged 15-24 are unemployed and not in school. What is stopping these 20 million young people from succeeding?More
Violence against women is a phenomenon with multiple parts that interact to negatively impact women’s lives and the lives of their sons and daughters, their families and their communities.More
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Informed Curriculum
CRS’ I am READY curriculum uses evidence-based psycho-social tools to help participants recognize and manage thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Its application has been found effective in improving mental health among trauma-affected populations, as well as in transforming destructive behaviors...More
Learning from Field:
Lesson Learned
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and Caritas Bangladesh (CB) implement the Margret A. Cargill Foundation (MAC) funded Disaster Risk Reduction project Make Us Knowledgeable and Trained in Emergencies (MUKTE II) on the remote Monpura Island in Bhola District, Bangladesh....More
Efficient fertilization and well-timed irrigation boost potato yields
Potatoes are the primary cash crop in the Central Highlands of Afghanistan. Yields are consistently low, averaging less than 12 tonnes per hectare. In 2011, CRS began addressing production issues beginning with seed storage1 using a behavior...More
Children are exposed to violence in various settings and circumstances. An estimated one billion children globally are exposed to physical, sexual or emotional violence. There is a direct link between all forms of violence in childhood and increased risks of acquiring HIV in later life....More
Integrating Violence Against Children Prevention and Response into HIV Services
Children are exposed to violence in various settings and circumstances. An estimated one billion children globally are exposed to physical, sexual or emotional violence. There is a direct link between all forms of violence in childhood and increased risks of acquiring HIV in later life....More
Every Practitioner a “Knowledge Worker”: Promoting Evaluative Thinking to Enhance Learning and Adaptive Management in International Development
Governments, nongovernmental organizations, and international agencies have realized the need for a change in emphasis; a paradigm shift is taking place away from predominantly linear and reductionist models of change to ones that are more dynamic, reflective, and responsive. More
STRATÉGIE DE L’EAU 2019 - 2030
La «sécurité de l’eau» c’est quand l’eau est gérée de manière efficace et holistique pour le bien-être humain, le développement socioéconomique et la protection de l’environnement en insistant sur l’accès équitable à l’eau potable et à l’assainissement pour les personnes extrêmement pauvres,...More
MEAL for Development Professionals
MEAL DPro is a collection of learning resources intended to build basic monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning skills for staff working in a broad range of organizations, from CRS to local church organizations and consortium partners.More
Defining Agriculture Landscape Restoration
There is not yet a widely shared definition for agriculture landscape restoration. This paper offers a set of definitions, approaches and...More
A Water Secure World for All by 2030
Vulnerable households and communities achieve water security in ways that contribute to improving health, protecting the environment and saving lives.More
Mobile Money Payment for School Fees
Current school fee payment processes in Zambia are cumbersome for guardians, creating a barrier for children’s enrollment in school. Payers can pay up to 12% of the school fee in transportation to make the transaction, and the payment process can take up to two days. Additionally, there are...More
Understanding and Assessing Resilience
CRS developed its Pathway to Prosperity approach in 2013 to help farmers recover from shocks and stressors by building and growing their assets. The approach also helps farm families partner with better-off farmers and other value chain actors. As projects using the new...More
Helping Partners Develop or Strengthen Their Organizational Child Protection Policies
This guide is designed to help organizations develop or further strengthen their policies to protect children. It is meant to help organizations increase their understanding of the issues involved in safeguarding children by providing them with best practices in creating safe,...More
Implementing the Principles for Digital Development
This case study illustrates how CRS and its partners have been implementing the Principles for Digital Development since 2011 in The ReMiND Project in the Kaushambi district of Uttar Pradesh, India. ...More