Catholic Relief Services Agency Strategy 2030

Agency strategy
We need to grow a solidarity which would allow all peoples to become the artisans of their destiny.
Inspired by our mission and guiding principles rooted in Catholic social teaching, we are committed to increasing our impact and influence in a rapidly changing world.
In our new agency strategy, we aspire to be more ambitious and bold in advancing our vision of a world in which all people—with a preferential option for people who are poor, vulnerable and marginalized—have opportunities to fulfill their human potential.
The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs, set by the United Nations General Assembly articulate the set of challenges that United Nations member states believe must be met to achieve a sustainable, equitable world in which all people flourish in dignity and peace.
While Catholic Relief Services programming touches each of the 17 SDGs, the CRS 2030 strategy clarifies the direct connections of our multi-sectoral approach to specific goals. In each case we set ambitious, measurable targets that align with the vision cast by our agency in concert with our supporters, partners and the global community.
CRS' Commitment to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
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We are not starting from scratch as we embark on our Vision 2030 strategy.
We build on a global presence and networks, productive and mutually respectful partnerships, technical expertise across eight program areas and seven core competencies, influence on policies and practices, engagement of supporters in the United States, and many other organizational capabilities and assets.
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