Adding CRS to your Email Address Book
Why do I need to add Catholic Relief Services to my email address book?
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) such as Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo! are constantly developing and improving new filters to cut down on spam. Unfortunately, sometimes these filters can block emails that you want to receive. The best way to ensure that you will receive email from us is to add [email protected] to your email address book, contacts or safe senders list.
How can I continue to receive emails from Catholic Relief Services?
If you do not see instructions below for your Internet service or product you use, please check their Help or FAQ documents for their specific instructions.
Gmail Subscribers
Yahoo Subscribers
MSN Subscribers
Outlook Users
AOL Subscribers
- Click 'Gmail' in the top-left corner of the page and click on 'Contacts' in the dropdown.
- Click the 'New Contact' button in the top-left corner of the Contact Manager.
- Type in or cut and paste [email protected] in the E-mail field.
- Click Save to add your contact.
- To keep CRS messages in your 'Primary' inbox: drag and drop the message to your preferred tab. Click 'yes' in the yellow box to keep future messages in your Primary tab.
- From your mailbox screen click on the 'Contacts' tab and then click on 'Add a New Contact'.
- Type in or cut and paste [email protected] into the E-mail box and then click 'Save'.
- Click on 'Help & Settings', and then click 'Settings'.
- Click 'Email' in the left pane, then click on the 'Junk E-mail Guard' link.
- Click on 'Safe List'.
- Click on 'Add an item to this list'.
- Type in or cut and paste [email protected] into the Safe List box and then click 'Add' and 'Save'.
- From the 'Home' tab in your inbox, select the 'Junk' dropdown and click on 'Junk Email Options'.
- Click the 'Safe Senders' tab.
- Click 'Add…' and type in or cut and paster [email protected] into the block area, and then click the 'OK' button.
- On the left sie, click 'Contacts'.
- Click the 'New Contact' icon above the list of contacts.
- Type in or cut and paste [email protected] and then click 'Add Contact'.