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June 7, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Planning and Conducting Well Being Days
The Wellbeing Day model has derived from the Station Days methodology. Station Day is a child and parent-friendly and participatory day-long monitoring and evaluation field...More

September 28, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Nutrition Reference Guide: CORE Group's Nutrition Working Group
This reference guide includes nutrition-specific tools and approaches, information on how and when to use them, and special considerations for their use. The guide, which was...More

December 1, 2017
Research›Journal article
Measuring couple relationship quality in a rural African population:
Available data suggest that individual and family well-being are linked to the quality of women's and men's couple relationships, but few tools exist to assess couple relationship...More

December 1, 2017
Research›Journal article
Mobilising faith-based and lay leaders to address antenatal care outcomes in northern Ghana
This article, written by CRS staff members and published in the journal "Development in Practice," summarizes the results of a study that examined how faith-based and lay leaders...More