Manuals | September 28, 2017
Nutrition Reference Guide: CORE Group's Nutrition Working Group
This reference guide includes nutrition-specific tools and approaches, information on how and when to use them, and special considerations for their use. The guide, which was created in response to a need expressed by the CORE Group Nutrition Working Group, is designed for program designers and technical staff among CORE Group members, as well as others working in the area of nutrition globally. Its purpose is to guide nutrition actors in selecting the most appropriate design, research, implementation, and evaluation tools, based on their program objectives, context, and available resources.
Preface and Acknowledgments
Summary Reference Guide of Nutrition Tools and Approaches
Agriculture and Nutrition Context Assessment Tool Locator
Body Mass Index Wheel
Breastfeeding Counselling: A Training Course
Community Management of Uncomplicated Acute Malnutrition in Infants Under Six Months
Community-Based Infant and Young Child Feeding
Community-Based Management of Acute Malnutrition Costing Tool
Community-Based Management of Acute Malnutrition Toolkit: Rapid Start-Up Resources for Emergency Personnel
Emergency Nutrition Assessment for SMART
Engaging Grandmothers to Improve Nutrition: A Training Manual and Guide for Dialogue
Group Mentors
Essential Nutrition Actions
Essential Nutrition Actions and Essential Hygiene Actions Framework
Formative Research: A Guide to Support the Collection and Analysis of Qualitative Data for Integrated Maternal and Child Nutrition Program Planning
Guidance for Formative Research on Maternal Nutrition
Guide to Anthropometry: A Practical Tool for Program Planners, Managers, and Implementers
Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies Orientation Package
Length Mat
Link Nutrition Causal Analysis
Maternal Nutrition During Pregnancy and Lactation: A Dietary Guide
Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women: A Guide to Measurement
Mobilizing Communities for Improved Nutrition: A Manual and Guide for Training Community Leaders
Mother-to-Mother Support Groups: Trainer’s Manual and Facilitator’s Manual with Discussion Guide
National and District Tools to Guide Anemia Programming
Nutrition Assessment and Counseling Support Training Package for Facility-Based Service Providers
Nutrition Assessment and Counseling and Support: A User’s Guide
Nutrition Impact and Positive Practice
Nutrition Program Design Assistant: A Tool for Program Planners, Version 2
Positive Deviance/Hearth: Resource Guide for Sustainably Rehabilitating Malnourished Children
ProPAN 2.0: Process for the Promotion of Child Feeding
Setting Up and Running a School Garden: A Manual for Teachers, Parents, and Communities
The Basics: Planning for Formative Research for Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices
Tool for Rapid Evaluation of Facility-Level Nutrition Assessment and Counseling and Support:
A User’s Guide
Training Guide for Community-Based Management of Acute Malnutrition
Training of Facilitators for Positive Deviance/Hearth
Trials of Improved Practices