Media CenterPope Francis and Climate Change: A Catholic Tradition

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Catholic Relief Services president & CEO Dr. Carolyn Woo describes Pope Francis' stance on climate change as he urges the international community to remain mindful of its effects, especially on those who are poor. In an article in The Huffington Post, Dr. Woo writes:

"One theme throughout Catholic social teaching is a respect for free markets as necessary for individual dignity along with a recognition of the injustice and despair that can result from the excesses of capitalism. It is in this tradition that Pope Francis takes on climate change, not to constrict the entrepreneurial spirit that God has placed in humanity, but to ensure that the changes wrought by the over-reliance on fossil fuels do not damage our world and its communities and countries in a way that does not allow their citizens to retain their dignity, their autonomy, their God-given rights.

At Catholic Relief Services, we are very aware of the impact of climate change on the poor around the world; that those who have contributed the least to this problem are suffering—and will suffer—the most from it."

Read the full article, "Pope Francis and Climate Change: A Catholic Tradition" in the Huffington Post.

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Ben Backe
April 19, 2015

Ben Backe is a former communications intern at Catholic Relief Services. He was based in Baltimore, Maryland.More