Charitable Gift Annuities
Make a Gift That Pays
A Catholic Relief Services Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) is a charitable gift that helps CRS serve poor and vulnerable people overseas and guarantees partially tax-free fixed income for you and/or someone you designate for life.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please review our FAQ for more information. Click [+] to display each answer.
- You donate cash, stocks or mutual funds to CRS and ask us to establish a gift annuity.*
- Once we finalize the gift annuity agreement, CRS will begin paying a fixed, guaranteed amount of lifetime income to you and/or anyone you name based on your selected payment schedule.
- After your lifetime and/or that of your selected beneficiary, CRS will use the remaining principal from your gift to continue our lifesaving work overseas.
* A minimum contribution of $5,000.00 is required.
- No management fees for the life of the annuity.
- A charitable tax deduction for the tax year in which you make your gift.
- A portion of your annuity income will be tax free.
- Choice of monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually income payments.
- Favorable treatment of capital gains taxes when you fund your annuity with appreciated securities.
- Three options of when to begin payments: Immediate Pay, Deferred Pay, or Flexible Deferred Pay
Yes, with a deferred gift annuity, you can make your gift today and select a date—1 year or more in the future—when you’d like your annuity payments to begin.
If you would like to add even more flexibility to your planning, CRS also offers a flexible deferred gift annuity, which allows you to decide when your deferred annuity payments will start, within a determined time range.
Disclosure Statement
Proof of identity and age (photocopy of driver’s license, passport or birth certificate)
Direct Deposit Form (required for monthly payments)
Absolutely! A gift annuity can add income, diversification, and reliability to a retirement plan. Please discuss with your financial advisor and contact us if you have any questions.
Gift annuities and some charitable trusts generate income. Gift annuities are not subject to many of the funding and legal restrictions of charitable trusts. Gift annuities are for the benefit of a limited number of people and charities. Charitable trusts have more options to benefit a larger number of beneficiaries and charities.
To learn more, Click Here.
Attn: Planned Giving Department
Catholic Relief Services
228 W. Lexington Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Legal Name, Address, and Tax ID
Catholic Relief Services- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
228 West Lexington Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201-3413
Federal Tax ID: 13-5563422
Contact the Planned Giving Team
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Or call us at 800-235-2772 (select the option for Planned Giving)