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Ukraine's Unseen Crisis: Mass Civilian Displacement
1,325,200: the number of internally displaced people in Ukraine. This is not a story about numbers, though, or even conflict. It's a story about people. And about people who need your help.More
Climate Change in Ethiopia: Counting Rains
How do you measure a year? Twelve months? Three hundred and sixty-five days?
In the eastern-most part of Ethiopia, Jemal Bedhaso measures a year not by the number of months or days, but the number of rains.More
Muslim, Christian Peacebuilding in Egypt
Far from Cairo's whirling traffic, the village of Al Dabiyyah hums along to the rhythm of Egyptian rural life.
Located just a short drive from Luxor, a popular tourist destination in Upper Egypt, Al Dabiyyah is a relatively quiet spot where about 27,000 villagers earn their living in...More
Moms Matter: Improving Maternal Health in Kenya
In Nyanza near Lake Victoria in western Kenya, fishing is a way of life. The men leave early in the morning to earn money for their families. The women are left at home with multiple household responsibilities and with very little support.
It's a social structure that can be isolating...More
Education as a Survival Strategy
Felix Odhiambo took his books everywhere. He read them as he walked to bathe. He thumbed through them as his friends played on the banks of the river. He pored over them until the last rays of light vanished. Studying was Felix's survival strategy. He was only 13 when complications from AIDS...More
Water for Schools in Burkina Faso
At your school, getting a drink of water meant going down the hallway to the water fountain. You could wash your hands in the school lavatory. But for the students at the Goradji School in Burkina Faso, getting water means walking more than a mile....More
Maternal and Infant Health Meet Smartphones
Community health workers in India are using mobile technology to save and improve the lives of pregnant women and their babies.More
HIV Testing, Counseling in Nigeria
Ngozi Ifediagwu beams a welcoming smile at the young man who approaches her desk. Under a tent near a busy shopping mall in Enugu, Nigeria, Ngozi and her fellow volunteers provide counseling and HIV testing services to the public in a series of activities leading up to World AIDS Day....More
Images of Hope Resources
Thank you for joining us to reflect on images of hope at the 2018 Mid-Atlantic Congress. Below are links to free resources to help you incorporate images of hope into your ministry.
Stories of Hope
Encounter the stories of some of our brothers and...More
CRS' Response to Lepanto Institute Allegations About Rwanda
Catholic Relief Services has investigated issues raised by the Lepanto Institute about our work in Rwanda and the evidence indicates that they are unfounded. CRS works faithfully to adhere to Church teaching in everything we do. We recognize our fallibility and encourage constructive criticism...More