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Monthly Prayer Archives
Each month, Catholic Relief Services publishes a new prayer that we ask the US Church to join us in praying. Seeking God's guidance together, we are drawn closer together, and perhaps get a peek beyond the veil at the Kingdom he has promised, as together we work to make that Kingdom a reality...More
CRS and the Six Tasks of Catechesis
Catholic Relief Services contributes to the tasks of catechesis by forming disciples who will recognize and serve Jesus who is present in the poor.More
In Ethiopia, Helping Mothers Feed Their Children During a Food Crisis
Young mothers in Ethiopia are learning how to feed their babies during drought.More
Level of Damage in Ecuador Overwhelming
This story is reprinted with permission from Caritas.
In the town of Pedernales you can feel the destruction of the massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake that ravaged Ecuador with all five senses. When we arrived in Pedernales I was overwhelmed by the smell of decay that hovers in...More
Moving up the Mountain: Coffee Farmers Fight Against Climate Change
Farmers are fighting the climate and poverty in an uphill battle against coffee leaf rust. But there is hope.More
Ethiopia Suffers Worst Drought in 50 Years
Along with ongoing development programs, CRS is providing food aid to nearly 3 million people facing hunger and malnutrition.More
Earth Day and the Sabbath Commandment
God decreed a day of rest for people and a year of rest for the land.More
Ethiopia Drought Crisis by the Numbers
CRS is assisting 2.6 million people, and fears that number may rise as the crisis deepens.More
Feed the Hungry: In Ethiopia
Ethiopia is currently faced w/ the worst drought in 50 yrs. @CatholicRelief is responding w/ food assistance. In Ethiopia, El Niño has affected weather patterns in the region and two failed rainy seasons have resulted in poor harvest. Faith communities in the United States can live out the...More
Is Giving Really Better Than Receiving?
There is a saying, “It is better to give than to receive.” This might be more self-evident if it were not so very good to receive.