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The Push of Climate Change
In Bangladesh, people are being pushed to the limit by rising sea levels. In Chad, people are being pushed off the land by violence and then continually challenged by scarce resources. Climate change plays a role, and so does one's ability to push forward. This is their story.More
The Hidden Face of Human Trafficking in Peru
Human trafficking in Madre de Dios, Peru has a strong connection to illegal gold mining.More
The Effects of Climate Change in Zimbabwe
Climate change is affecting the most vulnerable in Zimbabwe. But while it’s strong, there’s something more powerful: the voices and the will of the people of Zimbabwe who want change and are working hard to make it, despite obstacles. This is their story.More
The Impact of Climate Change on Education: Pamhy's Story
Over the last decade, Zimbabwe has experienced a number of economic, environmental and political stresses. Poverty, food insecurity, malnutrition and environmental degradation are serious concerns in Zimbabwe, and will continue to be challenges because of the effects of climate change.More
5 Ways to Live Like Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa's simple approach to life and service to God can be imitated by anyone willing to love others. More
Building Up Youth and Communities in El Salvador
CRS YouthBuild program helps young people in El Salvador gain confidence, and receive life and job skills training.More
In Ethiopia, Helping Mothers Feed Their Children During a Food Crisis
Young mothers in Ethiopia are learning how to feed their babies during drought.More
Raising the Score in Early Childhood Development
Religious sisters expand outreach to children in Kenya, Malawi and Zambia.More
It's a Giving Thing
Giving is a cornerstone of our faith, and a cornerstone of our salvation. Sometimes, however, giving to a large organization can leave us somewhat detached from the good that gift really does. This is why CRS looks to offer ways of giving that connect and engage us:...More
Protecting Niger From Malaria
Find out how we’ve already begun fighting malaria in Niger.More