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The Push of Climate Change
In Bangladesh, people are being pushed to the limit by rising sea levels. In Chad, people are being pushed off the land by violence and then continually challenged by scarce resources. Climate change plays a role, and so does one's ability to push forward. This is their story.More
A Year of Climate Change with CRS
In 2016, we brought you stories from all over the world of people struggling with the effects of climate change.More
The Climate Change Connection: Cashing in on Cacao & Chocolate
Farmers in El Salvador are turning to cacao, a cash crop with historic ties to the region and the potential to simultaneously help people and the environment.More
The Giving Trees: Fighting Climate Change and Strengthening Communities in Nicaragua
An innovative project involving smallholder farmers aims to reduce poverty among participating farmers, and to mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.More
The Effects of Climate Change in Zimbabwe
Climate change is affecting the most vulnerable in Zimbabwe. But while it’s strong, there’s something more powerful: the voices and the will of the people of Zimbabwe who want change and are working hard to make it, despite obstacles. This is their story.More
The Impact of Climate Change on Education: Pamhy's Story
Over the last decade, Zimbabwe has experienced a number of economic, environmental and political stresses. Poverty, food insecurity, malnutrition and environmental degradation are serious concerns in Zimbabwe, and will continue to be challenges because of the effects of climate change.More
Transforming Lives Through Agricultural Growth in Nigeria
Cash grants help subsistence farmers venture into commercial agriculture and begin realizing their dreams.More
Coffeelands: Influencing Public and Private Sectors
The goal is to support and contribute to policies and practices that improve smallholder coffee farmers’ and workers’ livelihoods.More
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation
September 1 is recognized as the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.More
Pathway to Prosperity
The Pathway to Prosperity illustrates CRS Agriculture and Livelihoods program for serving smallholder farmers as they move toward resilient self-sufficiency.More