Clean Water, Improved Lives in Tanzania
New water sources close to home mean more time to earn a living and improve health and well-being.
Farming Skills Lead to Tanzania Business Venture
Sister and brother joined a savings group and teamed up to follow a vision of building a coffee production business.
Tanazania’s New Generation of Coffee Growers Embrace Opportunities
Using improved practices and hardy hybrid varieties, young farmers are seeing increased production in their fields.
Nutrition Education Improves Child Health in Tanzania
Village Health and Nutrition Days lead to reductions in malnutrition and stunting.
Tanzanian Parents Improve Child Development Practices
A CRS program encourages parents to bond and play with their children to stimulate growth and health.
Tanzania Coffee Fuels Youth Employment Project
Couples learn to share work and home responsibilities while helping increase job opportunities and economic power.
Farmer-To-Farmer: Achieving Food Independence
Shea Belahi will not be held down by a corporate glass ceiling. In fact, she won't be held down by any ceiling: her office is the open sky. She is fiercely independent and, at age 30, she's her own boss—running her own farm.
"I didn't know what to do with my life....