Timor-Leste Counters Malnutrition With Innovation
Black soldier flies transform fish farming in Timor-Leste, boosting nutrition and climate resilience.
Improving Early Childhood Nutrition in Rwanda
Trained community members partner with parents to ensure children receive healthy, affordable foods during critical developmental stage.
Encouraging Fathers’ Roles in Rwanda
Forming support groups helps men understand their important role in raising children and in their marriages.
Fathers Promote Maternal and Child Health in Nigeria
Educating men in matters of health reduced instances of maternal and child mortality and malnutrition.
Improving Girls’ Nutrition in Timor-Leste
School programs offer nutritious food while girls learn to better manage their health and eating habits.
Benin Savings Groups Help Build Livelihoods
Pooled resources, access to small loans, and member cooperation improve financial situations and build community.
Encouraging Breastfeeding in Rwanda
Local health care workers meet with families to improve mother and child nutrition.
Good Nutrition Improves Education in Honduras
– Nutritious meals help students focus on their studies.
Improving Nutrition and Resilience in Rwanda
Following long struggles to survive, women learn how to serve healthier diets and how to earn the money needed to build family food security.
Building Child Nutrition in Rwanda
The project stresses nutritional health needs for children, but also enables mothers to support their families through savings-led microfinance groups.