Eliminating Malaria in Cambodia
Trained local workers help eliminate malaria in Cambodia.
Improving Water Quality and Access in Cameroon
Supplying water to a hospital improves working conditions, safety and serves nearby residents.
Improving Nutrition and Work Skills in Liberia
Young mothers raise their income and resilience with information and training about healthy foods and business practices.
Improving Early Childhood Nutrition in Rwanda
Trained community members partner with parents to ensure children receive healthy, affordable foods during critical developmental stage.
Fathers Promote Maternal and Child Health in Nigeria
Educating men in matters of health reduced instances of maternal and child mortality and malnutrition.
Improving Girls’ Nutrition in Timor-Leste
School programs offer nutritious food while girls learn to better manage their health and eating habits.
Self-Determination in Central African Republic
Unconditional cash distributions bring opportunities to people affected by conflict.
Benin Improves School Health
Hygiene clubs involve students and teachers in promoting and practicing good water, sanitation and health activities.
Helping Mothers and Infants Counter Malnutrition in Nigeria
Training health care workers who in turn treat and inform mothers how to improve infant nutrition brings positive community health results.
Good Nutrition Improves Education in Honduras
– Nutritious meals help students focus on their studies.