Improving Uganda Vanilla Yields and Farmer Income
Trained farmers open their fields as learning centers to teach best practices and support their fellow farmers.
Promoting Peace in Rural Cameroon
Solving a conflict between farmers and cattle breeders eliminated a major source of tension that left both parties satisfied.
South Sudan’s Farming Groups Grow Prosperity
Following devastating losses to conflict and natural disasters, vegetable gardens provide food, cash and a sense of community.
Increasing Farm Productivity in Zimbabwe
Demonstration sites show farmers how to adapt to climate change, with proof that the new methods will work for them.
The 15 Women Farmers You Need to Meet
Catholic Relief Services works with women farmers around the world. Even against everything—climate change, scarce resources and difficult financial circumstances—these women prove just how powerful they are.
The Giving Trees: Fighting Climate Change and Strengthening Communities in Nicaragua
An innovative project involving smallholder farmers aims to reduce poverty among participating farmers, and to mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.