Is Giving Really Better Than Receiving?
There is a saying, “It is better to give than to receive.” This might be more self-evident if it were not so very good to receive.

Think of a few things we receive: life, family, children, work, food, friendship and talents, to name only a few of the best. Each of these is given to us. If we earn anything, it’s because we were first given opportunities, abilities, understanding, health.
So, as it turns out, receiving is essential. We cannot give unless we have received. And we cannot give more than we have received. After all, no gift is greater than the very first gift we receive: the gift of life.
How then can giving possibly be better than receiving? Look at the life you received. Good as it is, would you hesitate to give it for a loved one? In fact, you give much of your life to children, family, friends, even strangers.
Now think about the gift of faith. As important as receiving this is, doesn’t it become a greater gift when you pass it along? Our giving is like a receipt for God’s gifts to us. And his gifts are made even better when we too give.
As thanks for the gifts you’ve given us, we want to give to you. That’s why we offer CRS Rice Bowl, a program we designed to serve you as a spiritual formation tool while you observe Lent. We’ve put together daily reflections, simple recipes and stories we hope will connect you with the people who receive your gifts.
CRS has been given a great gift—a privilege, an honor and a calling—to help the world’s poorest people. It is our role to pass your gifts along to others. CRS Rice Bowl is one way we give back.
We know you are always giving. We’re honored to be among those to whom you give. Giving truly is better than receiving. And, because of you, we know how much better.