Ethiopia Food Crisis: 5 Things You Can Do to Help
Following two consecutive crop failures, continued drought and other effects of climate change, Ethiopia faces further losses that many fear will result in a massive food crisis.
More than 10 million people in Ethiopia face chronic hunger. Currently, no end is in sight for families. They are running out of options. Children are forced to quit school. Out of desperation, families are selling their few assets to buy food from dwindling local supplies.
Catholic Relief Services has served Ethiopia for more than 50 years. We know the people and their needs. We work hand in hand with the government of Ethiopia and local Catholic churches to reach those most in need of help.
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Ethiopia’s drought and hunger crisis is deep and expected to get worse. With climate change and El Nino accelerating an already dire situation, experts predict massive food shortages and hunger for millions unless Ethiopians receive help soon.
CRS applauds U.S. government for steadfast support in Ethiopia.
View CRS’ comprehensive coverage of climate change.
CRS expands emergency food assistance in Ethiopia.
Ethiopia’s government appeals for increased aid.
Your support allows CRS to respond rapidly to emergency needs. You help us increase assistance and reach more people when you share generously with others.
Let others join your support of CRS’ mission to help the most desperate Ethiopians and their neighbors. Your support will help us provide a timely response to the greatest needs. Set up your own fundraising page.
Make your voice heard and help the poorest of the poor by contacting your representatives in Congress. Your voice is a gift that you can give to people in Ethiopia and others suffering around the world.
Follow and retweet @CatholicRelief, @CRSNews, @CBrennanCRS, @KimPoz and @ngamer19 on Twitter for the latest updates on Ethiopia’s hunger crisis.
Pope Francis advocates greater stewardship of global resources as one way to help our most vulnerable sisters and brothers. Please join us in prayer for those who suffer the most from environmental disasters.