The Catholic Relief Services Collection: Help Jesus in Disguise
'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.'
—Matthew 25:40

As Christians, we embrace Jesus’ call — to reach out to our brother, our sister, our Lord in disguise, our neighbor in need.
But our neighbor is everywhere. In every country on earth, there is need. And as much as our hearts long to give a cup of water to the thirsty everywhere, to heal all the sick, to shine God’s light in the darkest prisons, most situations seem well beyond our reach.
They aren’t, though. Not really. For we are many, and through the countless hands, hearts, minds and voices that make up the Church, we can be virtually everywhere.
But it takes all of us.
In 110 countries last year, more than 136 million people benefited from the work of Catholic Relief Services. Your support helped us care for refugees fleeing violence in Syria and Iraq. You helped us provide shelter for thousands in the Philippines, so when another typhoon struck, their homes withstood the onslaught. Your support helps Catholic Relief Services’ work with farmers in regions enduring the double hit of El Nino weather patterns and climate change.
And as always, your support ensures that when emergencies hit, the Church is among the first to arrive and the last to leave, helping afflicted regions in their most desperate hour, remaining with them through the darkest night.
Most Catholic Churches in the United States will hold the Catholic Relief Services Collection the weekend of March 30-31. In keeping with the theme, Help Jesus in Disguise, the money collected will support vital Catholic programs that promote the sacredness of human life and the dignity of all.
Where does the CRS Collection go? |
The Catholic Relief Services Collection funds six Catholic agencies that provide humanitarian aid, pastoral support and disaster relief.
When you support the Catholic Relief Services Collection, you provide more than relief. Often, you are giving families and communities a new start. You're involved in resettlement for survivors of persecution, war and natural disasters; development projects that improve living conditions for the poor; legal and support services for poor immigrants; peace and reconciliation work for people suffering from violence; and advocacy on behalf of the powerless.
Thanks for sharing your blessings with the less fortunate. You may not recognize their faces, but you will know whom you are serving. It's Jesus in disguise.