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Cora por Cora
En El Salvador, las Comunidades de Ahorro y Préstamo Interno (SILC, por su sigla en inglés), ayudan a las personas a ahorrar, tener acceso al crédito e invertir en el futuro de...View Resource >>

The SILC Road
A video overview of Savings and Internal Lending Communities, a microfinance tool for building wealth and livelihoods through saving, lending, investing and educationView Resource >>

Hosting a Fair Trade Sale
A how-to video about hosting a CRS Ethical Trade consignment saleView Resource >>

From Cora to Cora
A video about a Savings and Internal Lending Community, or SILC, in El Salvador. SILCs are a method of microfinance that helps people build savings, access credit and invest in...View Resource >>

Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers Lesson Plan: Zambia
Lesson plans for grades 1-8 about the Catholic social teaching principle the Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers. The lesson plans help explain the principle through the...View Resource >>

Ethical Trade Flyer
A flyer with an overview of ethical trade and how you can support ethical purchasing through CRSView Resource >>

CRS Ethical Trade Community Orders
A how-to video for CRS Ethical Trade Community OrdersView Resource >>

Lord of All Labor
A prayer for all those who work and for those seeking employmentView Resource >>

Your Work in All Works
A prayer that we may do great works by working together when called to the vineyard of the Lord We also invite you download and share this prayer as an image on social media.View Resource >>

Señor de todo trabajo
Una oración por todos aquellos que trabajan y por los que buscan empleoView Resource >>