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CST 101 Video: Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers
CST 101 is a collaborative 7-part video series presented by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and CRS on Catholic social teaching. This video illustrates the...View Resource >>
Litany of Thanksgiving
Among the many gifts we are grateful to God for, we remember to thank him for the special grace to be part of his plan, the honor to do his works in the world. And so we pray...View Resource >>
Solidarity Prayer Vigil for Those Who Experience Human Trafficking
An outline for a prayer service for an end to human trafficking that also includes education and legislative advocacyView Resource >>
Care for Creation Prayer Vigil
An outline for a prayer service about caring for creation that also includes education and legislative advocacy See this accompanying presentation , referenced in the prayer...View Resource >>
A City on a Mountain
The United States is a blessed nation, and we pray that we may respond as a nation with the same generosity that God has shown us. And so we pray ...View Resource >>
CST 101 Discussion Guide: Rights and Responsibilities
A discussion guide to help a small group learn about and reflect on the Catholic social teaching principle Rights and Responsibilities. This guide was developed in collaboration...View Resource >>
Tips for Using Social Media
Tips for using social media to take action to end global povertyView Resource >>
Oración Misionera
Todos estamos llamados a ser misioneros y discípulos, y por eso oramos al Señor para que nos ayude a contar su historia, en nuestras palabras y en nuestros actosView Resource >>
How to engage with Congress on social media
Whether it’s Twitter or Facebook, the social media platforms you use can be powerful tools to contact Congress. In fact, research shows that just 30 posts or comments from...View Resource >>
How to Guide
Write a media piece
Op-ed pieces and letters to the editor in your local press amplify the issues you care about and promote support in your community. Local media is monitored by congressional...View Resource >>