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Oración por una sequía
Una oración para las personas de las tierras que experimentan sequías severas y escasez de alimentosView Resource >>
The Hands of Christ the Healer
A prayer beseeching God to empower us as healers, as the Lord entreats us to be in Matthew 10:8View Resource >>
Holy Women of God, Pray for Us
A prayer asking for the intercession of some of our greatest female saints as we take them as models doing the will of God in the world Share this prayer on Twitter.View Resource >>
Together in Your Grace
A prayer of protection, asking that God's grace may protect the most vulnerable and allow us to walk together in solidarityView Resource >>
The Key That Opens Every Cage
A prayer of freedom, that the spirit of the Lord may set us free, and make us liberators for all Share this prayer on social media.View Resource >>
Oración por el fin de la trata de personas
Oración por el fin de la trata de personas, la esclavitud modernaView Resource >>