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God Who Has Opened the Door of Faith
A prayer that we will have the faith to open our hearts and follow wherever God leads usView Resource >>
That I May Find You There
A prayer based on Matthew 25:40 that we recognize God in the poor and vulnerable, like the Magi recognized Christ in the EpiphanyView Resource >>
Ethical Trade Flyer
A flyer with an overview of ethical trade and how you can support ethical purchasing through CRSView Resource >>
Water is Life
A 1–1.5 hour module for family catechesis about the Catholic social teaching principle the life and dignity of the human person. This interactive session uses the example of...View Resource >>
The Keyhole Garden
A video about how a raised-bed keyhole garden provides nutritious vegetables year-round in tough growing conditions. The keyhole garden brings diverse foods to the dinner table...View Resource >>
The Arbor Loo
One-third of the world lacks access to a convenience most of us take for granted: a toilet. Without latrines, water gets polluted and families get sick. This video shows how the...View Resource >>
Tanzania's Handwashing Generation
In this video, Filomena, a 13-year-old girl from Tanzania, is passing on lessons about hygiene and sanitation to her siblings and parents.View Resource >>
Lead Kindly Light
A video meditation on how Christ’s light guides us to care for the poor around the worldView Resource >>
Faith in Action Leads to Results
In this video, Archbishop Paul S. Coakley, Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas and Timothy Cardinal Dolan explain how the Church, through CRS, cares for people around the world.View Resource >>
Emergency Response
A video about teenagers from four different countries who learned what home really means after they experienced natural and human-made disastersView Resource >>