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Cambio Climático kit de herramientas para la acción
Reza y reflexiona sobre el cambio climático y lo que puedes hacer con tu comunidad para apoyar a los miembros de nuestra familia mundial más afectados por su impacto. Descarga...View Resource >>

Online Advent Calendar
Spend time in prayer each day this Advent and prepare your heart for Christmas by reflecting on Scripture and the needs of our global family.View Resource >>

Pray with the CRS Online Advent Calendar
Take a minute each day to pause and reflect as you prepare for the coming of our Lord at Christmas.View Resource >>

CST 101 Video: Solidarity
CST 101 is a collaborative 7-part video series presented by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and CRS on Catholic social teaching. This video illustrates the...View Resource >>

Online Lenten Calendar
Use the CRS Rice Bowl Lenten calendar daily to pray, fast, give and encounter our global family. Your Lenten alms help people experiencing hunger and poverty around the world!View Resource >>

Prayer on Climate Change
Reflect on the impact climate change has had on our planet and pray for the Holy Spirit to change our hearts and inspire us to act.View Resource >>

Oración al Espíritu Santo
Una oración para consagrarte al Espíritu Santo y pedir sus siete dones para que te guíen y fortalezcan en tu misión de servir a nuestros hermanos más necesitados.View Resource >>

How to Guide
Calendario de acciones
Utiliza este calendario en días claves del año para meditar y actuar con tu comunidad para responder al cambio climático y acabar con el hambre mundial.View Resource >>

Campaign Mobilization Calendar
Use this calendar for key dates to reflect and take action to address forced migration and end world hunger at home and in your community. View Resource >>

Farm Bill 2023 Reauthorization
The Farm Bill is a multiyear package of legislation that oversees a variety of domestic and international food and agricultural programs. While the overwhelming majority of the...View Resource >>