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How to increase the support of your member of Congress
Use the Champion Scale to analyze where your congressional member stands in their level of support for the issues that matter most to you. Determining their position will help you...View Resource >>

CRS' Campaign on Hunger: Action Toolkit
Reflect on the issues of hunger and malnutrition in our world. Make your voice heard and inspire others to act in support of people who are hungry.View Resource >>

How to Guide
CRS' Campaign on Hunger: A Solidarity Prayer Service and Reflection
Use this prayer service to reflect on the issues of hunger and malnutrition in the world, and how we can be a part of the solution.View Resource >>

Discussion Guide: Climate Change
A discussion guide to facilitate deeper reflection and engagement on the issue of climate change. Includes learning resources, stories, videos, discussion questions and ways to...View Resource >>

Prayer on Hunger
Pray for an end to hunger and malnutrition, and for a hunger for justice. View Resource >>

CRS' Campaign on Hunger: Issue Overview
There are proven solutions for the causes of hunger and malnutrition. Together, we can prevent and end this global crisis.View Resource >>

Campaña de CRS sobre el hambre: Visión general
Existen soluciones comprobadas para prevenir y acabar con el hambre y la desnutrición. ¡Juntos podemos lograrlo! Descarga >> .resource .field-name-field-usops-download a {...View Resource >>

How to Guide
Campaña de CRS sobre el hambre: Oración y reflexión comunitaria
Usa esta reflexión comunitaria para rezar sobre el problema del hambre mundial y cómo podemos ser parte de las soluciones. Descarga >> .resource .field-name-field-usops-...View Resource >>

Oración sobre el hambre
Reza por el fin del hambre, y para que Dios nos dé hambre de justicia. Descarga >> .resource .field-name-field-usops-download a { display: none; } .descarga-link a { font-...View Resource >>

Campaña de CRS sobre el hambre: Herramientas para la acción
Usa este kit para reflexionar sobre los problemas del hambre y la desnutrición en el mundo. Encuentra materiales que te ayudarán a actuar de manera significativa. Descarga >...View Resource >>