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Oración por el cambio climático: Cuidando de un planeta, una familia
Reflexiona sobre el impacto del cambio climático en nuestro planeta y ora para que el Espíritu Santo cambie nuestros corazones y nos inspire a actuar.View Resource >>

Climate Change Action Toolkit
Pray, learn about and act on the issue of climate change, and inspire others to take action.View Resource >>

Learn About Key U.S. Congressional Committees
The U.S. Congress organizes and conducts its work through a committee structure. Congressional committees oversee particular issue-areas related to policy and legislation...View Resource >>

Not Because Our Tables Are Full
A prayer of joyful thanksgiving to the Lord, not merely for full tables, pantries, and bellies, but for the gift of full hearts.View Resource >>

Prayer for Climate Change
Reflect on the impact climate change has had on our planet and pray for the Holy Spirit to change our hearts and inspire us to act.View Resource >>

CRS and National Council of Catholic Women: Water for Life
The Water for Life video illustrates the work of Catholic Relief Services in partnership with the National Council of Catholic Women in responding to the critical need for safe...View Resource >>

Climate Change Prayer Service
Pray and reflect with your community on our call to respond to the needs of our sisters and brothers most vulnerable to the impact of climate change.View Resource >>

New Members of Congress
The 118th United States Congress convened January 2023. As freshmen members of Congress get settled, this is an opportunity to build relationships, educate them on key...View Resource >>

How to meet with your member of Congress
Research shows that nothing is more impactful than in-person meetings with your member of Congress. Constituent meetings offer a valuable opportunity to develop relationships with...View Resource >>

Calendario de Acciones
Utiliza este calendario en días claves del año para meditar y actuar con tu comunidad para responder al cambio climático y acabar con el hambre mundial. Descargar el PDF >...View Resource >>