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Global Climate Change
Cecilia Calvo from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops shares the distinctively Catholic perspective on climate change, which involves protecting both the environment...View Resource >>
Examen del cuidado de la creación
Un examen con preguntas y respuestas acerca de por qué y cómo podemos cuidar de la creación de DiosView Resource >>
Care for Creation Quiz
A quiz with questions and answers about why and how we can care for God’s creationView Resource >>
Care for Creation Lesson Plan: Nicaragua
Lesson plans for grades 1-8 about the Catholic social teaching principle Care for God’s Creation. The lesson plans help explain the principle through the story of a coffee...View Resource >>
Care for Creation Lesson Plan: Madagascar
Lesson plans for grades 1-8 about the Catholic social teaching principle Care for God's Creation. The lesson plans help explain the principle through the story of a rice...View Resource >>
Prayer of Stewardship
A prayer that we will respond to God's call to care for creationView Resource >>
May it Please You
A prayer that we will be caretakers of all of God’s creationView Resource >>
Resumen sobre por qué cuidamos de la creación de Dios
Un resumen sobre cómo nuestra fe nos invita a cuidar de la creación de DiosView Resource >>
Oración por el cuidado de la creación
Una oración que vamos a responder al llamado de Dios de cuidar de la creaciónView Resource >>
Laudato Si' Video for High School Students
A short, video summary of Laudato Si' for high school aged students. The video was created in collaboration with Caritas Catholic international humanitarian aid organizations...View Resource >>