A mass baptism at the cathedral in Gonaives, Haiti. David Snyder for CRS

The Sacraments and Global Discipleship

Click on this image to download a bilingual flyer listing all the available CRS sacramental preparation resources.
Click on the image above to download a bilingual flyer listing all the available CRS sacramental preparation resources.
The sacraments of the Catholic Church touch all the important moments of Christian Life (Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 1210). These moments invite us to reflect more deeply on how we are called to be Christ’s disciples in the world. The resources below can help catechetical leaders invite people of various ages and stages of life to reflect on how the sacrament they are preparing to receive commissions them to follow Christ by caring for their brothers and sisters in need worldwide.

For additional information about the connections between each of the seven sacraments and our social mission as followers of Jesus and a part of the Body of Christ, see the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ resources about sacraments and social mission.

Please note: These are supplemental resources only and intended to complement comprehensive sacramental preparation. Resources for the sacraments of Holy Orders and Anointing of the Sick are not included here.
