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Prayer of Transformation

Lord, I was a pile of ash
And you made me a light for the world. 
I was a stone
And you made me salt for the earth.
I was as lifeless as clay
And you made me part of the Body of Christ.
I was sinful
And you made me holy.
I was nothing
And you made me part of everything.

Lord, in you I am transformed
And transformed still again.
When the discouraged cry for hope, make me hope. 
When the hungry cry for bread, make me bread. 
When the thirsty cry for water, make me water.
When the suffering cry for help, make me help.
When the sick cry for healing, make me healing.
When the bound cry for freedom, make me freedom.
When the outcasts cry for love, make me love.

Lord who is hope,
who is bread and water,
who is help and healing,
who is freedom,
and who is love,
Transform me anew,
and so keep me close to you,
as you transform the world.



Available in Spanish