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May 25, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Gender-Sensitive Labor-Saving Technologies and Practices
This brief outlines how and why labor-saving technologies and approaches when integrated with other gender transformative approaches can be instrumental in advancing gender...More
July 6, 2021
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Garden Toolkit
Gardening is a widely implemented intervention in development programming that can deliver positive results in nutrition, agricultural income and women’s empowerment. In Ethiopia...More
June 23, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Health Annex of the CRS Supply Chain Management Handbook
The CRS Supply Chain Management Handbook includes a Health Annex for CRS staff who manage projects and activities that involve health products, with a special focus on...More
August 16, 2023
Research›Journal article
Promoting Gender Equity in Livelihoods Projects: Practitioners’ Perspectives Through the Lens of a Socio-ecological Model
This article points to the untapped potential for meaningful and mutually beneficial exchange between development research and practice, by presenting an example of an iterative...More
October 10, 2023
Paying the Price
In an effort to better understand the tradeoffs families make regarding water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services and products when they are faced with rising food prices—and...More
February 25, 2020
Research›Case Studies
Shelter, Settlement and Infrastructure Case Studies
Here you will find a selection of short, compelling case studies that highlight diverse, challenging, innovative and impactful efforts in providing safe, dignified homes and...More
December 20, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
CRS Global Gender Strategy 2030
Gender equality and female empowerment are core development objectives, foundational for the realization of human rights, right relations and key to effective and sustainable...More
January 8, 2024
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
CRS Resilience Framework
Catholic Relief Services conducts resilience programming that spans many (if not all) key technical areas and sectors, while also engaging at the level of individuals, households...More
February 16, 2024
Six Lessons for Seed Sector Development in Fragile States
Existing models for seed sector development are not viable in fragile states. Based on case studies in Haiti, Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan, combined with...More
February 16, 2024
Role of Seed Vouchers and Fairs Promoting Seed Market Development
The report suggests multiple ways to address the challenges to support seed market development over time with or without seed fairs.More