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September 23, 2012
An Evaluation of Household Impact Among Fee-for-Service Savings Groups
This paper shares findings from a large-scale Randomized Control Trial of households that participated in Savings and Internal Lending Community groups in Kenya, Tanzania and...More
June 27, 2012
Group Performance in Fee-for-Service Savings Groups
This paper shares findings from a large-scale Randomized Control Trial of households that participated in Savings and Internal Lending Community groups in Kenya, Tanzania and...More
June 6, 2012
An Analysis of Agent Earnings in Fee-for-Service Savings Groups
This paper shares findings from a large-scale Randomized Control Trial of households that participated in Savings and Internal Lending Community groups in Kenya, Tanzania and...More
June 6, 2012
Agent Productivity in Fee-for-Service Savings Groups
This paper shares findings from a large-scale Randomized Control Trial conducted in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. It compares the productivity of Private Service Providers and the...More
June 21, 2010
Rapid Assessment of CRS Experience with Arborloos in East Africa
This rapid assessment reviews sanitation activities by Catholic Relief Services in East Africa, in particular the promotion of the Arborloo—an innovative latrine designed to...More
January 12, 2005
Water Supply and Sanitation Strategy
This document links the design and implementation of water and sanitation programming to the basic principles and concerns that motivate CRS as a relief and development...More
April 11, 2014
AIDSRelief Uganda Final Report
From 2004 to 2012, AIDSRelief Uganda provided HIV care and treatment to nearly 88,000 patients, including 45,000 who enrolled on lifesaving antiretroviral therapy (ART) at 23...More
December 1, 2015
Evaluation of Transitioning an HIV Response to Local Ownership in Four Countries
Between 2004 and 2013, the global AIDSRelief program supported rapid scale-up of HIV care and treatment services for poor and underserved people in ten countries across Africa,...More
March 3, 2016
Research›Case Studies
Case Study: Integrated Child Protection and Care and Treatment Programming
A growing body of evidence supports the theory that child protection and HIV care and treatment outcomes are inextricably linked. Protecting children from abuse, violence,...More
March 3, 2016
Research›Case Studies
Case Study: The Role of Para-Social Workers in Creating Community-Led Approaches to Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse
This case study outlines the process undertaken by officials, para-social workers (PSWs) and community leaders in several sub-counties 9 in Kasese District in Western Uganda to a...More