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February 10, 2007
Bridges of Hope Socioeconomic Reintegration Project
Maryknoll started the Bridges of Hope project in 2004 to help people living with HIV, who had been marginalized due to their illness, to reintegrate into society after regaining...More
July 13, 2009
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Promising Practices for Community Engagement in Tuberculosis Activities
This publication highlights promising practices in increasing case detection and treatment rates as documented in the Maguindanao TB Control Project. It chronicles how community...More
September 1, 2007
Assessment of Educational and Health Needs for Children and Youth with Disabilities Identified as Affected by Agent Orange/Dioxin
In Vietnam, CRS conducted this initial survey research on the needs for education and health care among children and youth with disabilities who are identified as affected by...More
April 18, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
CRS' Global Malaria Programs
This handout describes CRS’ malaria work, including an overview of our programming and the countries where we work.More
October 31, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Learning from Field:
Lesson Learned Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and Caritas Bangladesh (CB) implement the Margret A. Cargill Foundation (MAC) funded Disaster Risk Reduction project Make Us...More
January 20, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Strengthening Community Health Systems through mHealth
This learning brief outlines the impacts of a mobile application for Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) that was developed by CRS’ Reducing Maternal and Newborn Deaths (...More
December 4, 2020
Tools for Field Staff›Fact Sheet
Cambodia Malaria Program
While malaria in Cambodia has halved in the last decade, it remains endemic in 21 out of 25 provinces. Increasing malaria parasite resistance to artemisinin drugs remains a...More
February 7, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
CRS Framework for Quality Early Childhood Education (ECE) Intervention
This CRS Framework for Quality Early Childhood Education (ECE) (ECE Framework) aligns with and reflects CRS’ Global Education Conceptual Framework , which recognizes that for all...More
December 16, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Fact Sheet
Improving Development Outcomes by Strengthening Couples
In 2008, CRS implemented the SMART Couples project (Strengthening Marriages And Relationships Through Communication and Planning.) CRS’ signature couples strengthening approach is...More
June 23, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Health Annex of the CRS Supply Chain Management Handbook
The CRS Supply Chain Management Handbook includes a Health Annex for CRS staff who manage projects and activities that involve health products, with a special focus on...More