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August 14, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Monitoring and Evaluation Short Cuts
This Short Cut provides practical instructions in how to prepare for an evaluation. Most donors require midterm and final evaluations, and these periodic assessments often provide...More

August 14, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Monitoring and Evaluation Short Cuts
This edition of Short Cuts is intended to provide concise guidance needed to develop a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system for international humanitarian...More

August 14, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Monitoring and Evaluation Short Cuts
This Short Cut illustrates the inherent challenges and often conflicting responsibilities that accompany monitoring and evaluation (M&E) work. Recognizing that there are no...More

August 14, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Monitoring and Evaluation Short Cuts
This edition of Short Cuts provides practical instructions on how to design an evaluation communication and reporting strategy using tailored reporting formats that are responsive...More

January 14, 2011
Tools for Field Staff›Tool Kits
M&E Shortcuts
CRS and the American Red Cross collaborated on a set of M&E training and capacity-building materials for field staff, covering topics in project and program design, monitoring...More

September 20, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
ProPack I : le dossier projet de CRS
ProPack I in English | Propack I en español | ProPack I in Arabic Ce ProPack I révisé conserve des informations et caractéristiques utiles de la version de 2004 et comprend de...More

March 28, 2017
Research›Case Studies
Interreligious Action for Peace:
VERSION FRANÇAISE This publication presents case studies on interreligious action, highlighting specific approaches and tools that CRS staff members created and the networks they...More

October 26, 2020
Research›Case Studies
Micro Assurance Santé - Bénin
Au Benin, la majorité des ménages pauvres ont un accès limité aux soins de santé, ce qui a des conséquences potentiellement dévastatrices sur leur bien-être. Les obstacles...More

May 3, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Agricultural Fair and Voucher Manual
This manual provides the technical and operational knowledge for planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating agriculture voucher fairs. The manual covers various types of...More

October 4, 2011
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Institutional Strengthening
Institutional Strengthening is a reference for organizations that wish to develop or improve existing institutional strengthening systems and processes. It presents principles,...More