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August 28, 2015
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Pocket Guide 3: Managing Water Resources
This pocket guide is written for you, the field agent working in agricultural extension. The concepts, information and practices in this guide are meant to support your work with...More

March 9, 2016
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Pocket Guide 1: Extension Practice for Agricultural Adaptation
This set of pocket guides, Preparing smallholder farm families to adapt to climate change , is written for field agents working in agricultural extension. The concepts,...More

January 1, 2015
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Partnership Reflection
The Partnership Reflection is a facilitated process designed to strengthen the relationship among the partners in order to help them be more effective. The process is almost...More

April 13, 2016
Participation by All
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) undertook a sustainability evaluation in 2015 to evaluate the sustained outcomes of its Programme de Securite Alimentaire et Nutritionelle (PROSAN)...More

August 7, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Social Cohesion Integration Diagnostics Tool (SCIDAT) - User's Guide
This user’s guide is a strategic tool designed to help senior management teams, program officers and program managers to better understand the potential of their country program...More

October 5, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Evaluations des conflits, de la gouvernance, des questions de genre, de la protection et des jeunes
IN ENGLISH EN ESPAÑOL Dans cette troisième édition de notre guide consacré aux outils d’évaluation des conflits, de la gouvernance, des questions de genre et de la protection,...More

August 7, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
The Ties That Bind
DOWNLOAD FRENCH VERSION This guide was born from a need to share learning from our experience in Central African Republic (CAR) from 2013–2015. During this turbulent period, CAR...More

December 3, 2018
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Les racines de la résilience
Ce manuel montre comment organiser un atelier qui aide les participants à trouver une identité et une vision de leur vie qui équilibrent les expériences positives et négatives...More

May 12, 2009
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Protocol for Relations with Church Partners (English, French and Spanish)
To support the process of developing relations with the Church, CRS presents this protocol for relationships with Church partners, designed to strengthen bonds of solidarity and...More