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March 26, 2019
Effectiveness of CRS' Financial Education Curriculum in Savings and Internal Lending Communities (SILC) | Efectividad del currículum de educación financiera de CRS en los grupos de autoahorro y préstamo (GAAP)
This report presents the results from a three-country, multi-method study of the effectiveness of CRS’ Financial Education (FE) lessons delivered in the context of Savings and...More

July 1, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Fact Sheet
“Seguridad hídrica” es la gestión efectiva e integral del agua para dar soporte al bienestar humano, al desarrollo socioeconómico y al medioambiente, con énfasis en garantizar el...More

July 1, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Water iEl agua se gestiona de manera efectiva e integral para dar soporte al bienestar humano, su desarrollo socioeconómico, y al medioambiente con énfasis en garantizar el acceso...More

February 19, 2019
WHAT DOES “WATER SECURE” MEAN? “Water security” is when water is effectively and holistically managed to support human well-being, socio-economic development and the environment...More

August 14, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Monitoring and Evaluation Short Cuts
Human interest stories personalize project impact results and reports by documenting the personal experience of individuals who were influenced by the project. These stories are a...More

August 14, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Monitoring and Evaluation Short Cuts
This edition of Short Cuts provides guidance on how to manage and implement an evaluation. The Managing and Implementing an Evaluation module’s goal is to increase the quality of...More

August 14, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Monitoring & Evaluation Short Cuts
This edition of Short Cuts provides guidance on identifying, recruiting, and hiring the right staff. Hiring is a strategically important process; it requires careful thought and a...More

August 14, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Monitoring and Evaluation Short Cuts
This edition of Short Cuts provides practical instructions in preparing and using the Indicator Performance Tracking Table (IPTT). The IPTT provides a snapshot of project status,...More

August 14, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Monitoring and Evaluation Short Cuts
This Short Cut provides practical instructions in how to prepare for an evaluation. Most donors require midterm and final evaluations, and these periodic assessments often provide...More

August 14, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Monitoring and Evaluation Short Cuts
This edition of Short Cuts is intended to provide concise guidance needed to develop a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system for international humanitarian...More