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June 27, 2012
Group Performance in Fee-for-Service Savings Groups
This paper shares findings from a large-scale Randomized Control Trial of households that participated in Savings and Internal Lending Community groups in Kenya, Tanzania and...More

June 6, 2012
An Analysis of Agent Earnings in Fee-for-Service Savings Groups
This paper shares findings from a large-scale Randomized Control Trial of households that participated in Savings and Internal Lending Community groups in Kenya, Tanzania and...More

June 6, 2012
Agent Productivity in Fee-for-Service Savings Groups
This paper shares findings from a large-scale Randomized Control Trial conducted in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. It compares the productivity of Private Service Providers and the...More

June 4, 2012
Enhancing Horizonti's Mission and Performance Through the Integration of Social Performance Management
Horizonti is a CRS partner microfinance institution that provides financial services to the poorest and most underserved communities in Macedonia. In 2010, CRS awarded Horizonti a...More

July 14, 2012
Tools for Field Staff›Tool Kits
Ngoana eo ke oa mang? Integrated Early Childhood Care and Development Flipbook
This flipbook is a tool for bringing children and caregivers together in a fun and interactive way. It contains simple, child-friendly messages and strategies for parents and...More

July 14, 2012
Tools for Field Staff›Tool Kits
Ngoana eo ke oa mang? A Guide for Strengthening Teacher Capacity
This Teacher Resource Guide is part of the growing set of training materials that have been developed to support the Integrated Early Childhood Care and Development project,...More

May 19, 2012
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning in Emergencies
This resource pack offers practical advice about how to implement a system for monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL) in emergencies. It provides standards for...More

September 9, 2012
Banking with Mobile Phones in Haiti
In 2011, Catholic Relief Services utilized T-Cash, a new mobile phone–based banking service. The initiative improved the speed, security and cost of beneficiaries' banking...More

February 10, 2012
Information and Communication Technologies for Development
This paper provides a snapshot of agriculture solutions that are emerging through information and communication technologies. It describes how these solutions are beginning to be...More

June 1, 2012
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Financial Education
This 11-lesson financial education curriculum, part of CRS' SMART Skills series for rural development, has two main purposes: To provide trainers with the tools to teach groups...More