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July 15, 2010
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Considerations in Home-Based Care for People Living with HIV
This guidance document offers water supply and sanitation facility and hygiene promotion design considerations and recommendations intended to increase access to these facilities...More
July 17, 2005
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Guidelines for the Development of Small-Scale Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Projects in East Africa
This document provides general technical guidelines for the planning and implementation of small-scale water supply and sanitation activities in rural East Africa, which includes...More
July 23, 2009
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Groundwater Development
This document explains basic groundwater and well drilling concepts, and shows how they can be employed to strengthen and expand water development programs.More
August 28, 2015
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Pocket Guide 3: Managing Water Resources
This pocket guide is written for you, the field agent working in agricultural extension. The concepts, information and practices in this guide are meant to support your work with...More
February 7, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
CRS Framework for Quality Early Childhood Education (ECE) Intervention
This CRS Framework for Quality Early Childhood Education (ECE) (ECE Framework) aligns with and reflects CRS’ Global Education Conceptual Framework , which recognizes that for all...More