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February 19, 2019
WHAT DOES “WATER SECURE” MEAN? “Water security” is when water is effectively and holistically managed to support human well-being, socio-economic development and the environment...More

May 13, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Connector Project Guide
This document offers concise and practical guidance for supporting communities to design and implement connector projects: initiatives that provide opportunities and incentives...More

October 5, 2022
Water Security Strategy 2030
WHAT DOES “WATER SECURE” MEAN? “Water security” is when water is effectively and holistically managed to support human well-being, socio-economic development and the environment...More

December 20, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
CRS Global Gender Strategy 2030
Gender equality and female empowerment are core development objectives, foundational for the realization of human rights, right relations and key to effective and sustainable...More

August 2, 2024
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Policies & Procedures
The purpose of these policies and procedures is to establish a systematic and consistently applied set of requirements for the design, operationalization, implementation and...More

January 3, 2024
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
CRS Supply Chain Management Handbook
The CRS Supply Chain Management Handbook captures best practices in supply chain management that enable CRS to effectively meet the needs of those we serve. This handbook is the...More