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October 16, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Microfinance Learning Briefs
LEARNING BRIEF 1: Mobilizing Savings for CAURIE-MF Clients in Senegal (8 pages) This learning paper documents the experience of CAURIE-MF, a CRS partner in Senegal, during the...More
October 16, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Improving Livelihood Outcomes for People Living with HIV
This 11-page document provides an overview of the goals and accomplishments of a CRS-supported project in Tanzania where microfinance and agricultural needs were integrated into...More
October 16, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Increasing Savings and Solidarity among Households with Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Rwanda [Spanish version]
This learning paper looks at linking the Savings and Internal Lending Communities (SILC) methodology with orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) programming in Rwanda. CRS...More
January 26, 2018
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Community-based Savings and Loans Schemes for Improved Livelihoods and WASH Service Delivery - the Northern Ghana Experience
A CRS project in northern Ghana uses savings groups to help rural communities build useful lump sums of money without excessive debt or interest payments. The groups are organized...More
July 14, 2012
Tools for Field Staff›Tool Kits
Ngoana eo ke oa mang? Integrated Early Childhood Care and Development Flipbook
This flipbook is a tool for bringing children and caregivers together in a fun and interactive way. It contains simple, child-friendly messages and strategies for parents and...More
July 14, 2012
Tools for Field Staff›Tool Kits
Ngoana eo ke oa mang? A Guide for Strengthening Teacher Capacity
This Teacher Resource Guide is part of the growing set of training materials that have been developed to support the Integrated Early Childhood Care and Development project,...More
February 27, 2018
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Child Protection Case Management Operations Manual
Case management is an approach at the core of social work. Case management is the process required for improving the quality of life for vulnerable children in need of care and...More
November 3, 2017
Research›Case Studies
Approaches of the Lea Toto and APHIAplus Nuru Ya Bonde Programs in Kenya
Acknowledging that OVC are at increased risk for HIV infection, and in alignment with PEPFAR technical guidance, OVC programs aspire to ensure that all individually registered OVC...More
September 6, 2017
Research›Case Studies
Approaches of the Expanded Impact Program in Zimbabwe
Between April and September 2016, 4Children documented work in OVC programs in three countries; these included Pact’s Yekokeb Berhan program in Ethiopia, the World Education Inc./...More
March 22, 2018
Research›Case Studies
Working in Partnership to Improve Children’s Safety and Well-Being: The May’khethele Programme in South Africa
This case study is one in a series that highlights different aspects of a case management system and referral mechanisms utilized by OVC programs. The studies aim to provide...More