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January 9, 2014
Gender in Agribusiness
This report describes the results of a study on gender dynamics in cash and food crop marketing clubs in southern Malawi. The study was conducted as part of CRS’ Wellness...More
November 9, 2012
Research›Case Studies
Reaching High-Value Markets
Accessing high-end markets can be lucrative for farmers. But doing so not only requires specialized skills and technology but also relies on direct market linkages. What can we...More
September 9, 2012
Research›Case Studies
The Ethical Agent
An ethical agent is ideally a person or team with both development experience and commercial experience. The agent builds relationships with all the actors along the supply chain...More
July 9, 2000
Targeted Seed Aid and Seed-System Interventions
This document presents the reflections of a working group held in Uganda in 2000. Individuals from 11 institutions came together to compare and contrast practical experiences on...More
September 9, 2013
Research›Case Studies
Ibyiringiro Project: Restoring Hope 2008-2013
HIV interacts with other drivers of poverty to simultaneously destabilize livelihoods at the household level and social safety nets at the broader community level. Evidence shows...More
July 9, 2012
The Faithful House and Uganda's National Campaign
CRS and Maternal Life International/Uganda collaboratively created The Faithful House program (TFH) as a couples-based approach to HIV prevention. TFH is a faith-based, skills-...More
August 3, 2012
Longer-Term Impact of Faithfulness-Focused Curriculum on HIV-Positive Couples From Four Regions in Ethiopia
Catholic Relief Services evaluated a version of the Faithful House curriculum that is tailored to strengthening the relationships of couples living with HIV. This version of the...More
July 10, 2012
Effects of a Faithfulness-Focused Curriculum on Couples From Three Regions in Uganda
Even though a large share of new HIV infections in many African countries occurs within marriages, there are relatively few prevention programs specifically focusing on the couple...More
January 18, 2011
Research›Case Studies
The AIDSRelief Zambia Partnership
From 2004 to 2013, the CRS-led AIDSRelief project supported rapid scale up of HIV care and treatment for 700,000 people in ten countries, including Zambia. Sustainability was a...More
July 10, 2012
Research›Case Studies
Getting to Zero
The ambitious UNAIDS goal of “Getting to Zero” cannot be achieved by reaching only half of the population; prevention and treatment must reach both sides of the...More