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July 14, 2010
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
A Facilitators Guide to Developing OVC Program Sustainability and Transition Plans
In the first phase of OVC emergency funding by foreign donors such as the United States government, CRS assumed the primary responsibility for managing the OVC grants by...More

July 15, 2010
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Considerations in Home-Based Care for People Living with HIV
This guidance document offers water supply and sanitation facility and hygiene promotion design considerations and recommendations intended to increase access to these facilities...More

July 15, 2010
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
The Faithful House: Core module manual and fertility awareness methods
This manual is for facilitators of workshops designed to strengthen couples and help families space pregnancies. It is founded on the belief that a strong marriage can help bring...More