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July 10, 2012
Effect of a Faithfulness-Focused Curriculum on HIV-Positive Couples From Four Regions in Ethiopia
As the evidence increasingly reveals that much of the heterosexual HIV transmission in southern and east Africa takes place within marriage or cohabitation, there is growing...More

July 10, 2012
Effects of a Values-Based Curriculum on Couples From Northwest Cameroon
There is a tremendous need for culturally aware, locally developed, evidence-based programs that acknowledge and address couple relationships, the context within which most HIV...More

July 10, 2008
Maguindanao Tuberculosis Control Project
In an effort to staunch the spread of TB, the World Health Organization set goals to detect tuberculosis cases at a rate of 70 percent and to cure patients at a rate of 85 percent...More

May 17, 2011
Food by Prescription Pilot in Zambia
Zambia has some of the worst malnutrition rates in the region, resulting from poverty and food insecurity and exacerbated by a 14.3% HIV prevalence rate. To address malnutrition...More

July 10, 2009
Research›Case Studies
Caring for the Caregivers
In Rwanda, Catholic Relief Services has been relying on volunteers to reach orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in their communities. To improve the quality of services provided...More

February 10, 2007
Bridges of Hope Socioeconomic Reintegration Project
Maryknoll started the Bridges of Hope project in 2004 to help people living with HIV, who had been marginalized due to their illness, to reintegrate into society after regaining...More

July 10, 2008
Determinants of Motivation and Commitment of Volunteer Caregivers
The number of children orphaned by AIDS has in Cameroon and other countries in sub-Saharan Africa has resulted in a shift in care giving responsibilities from parents to extended...More

August 26, 2014
Research›Case Studies
HIV Programming Comes of Age
Integrated HIV, food security and livelihoods programming has been an aspiration pursued by NGOs, donors and host-country governments for more than a decade with varying degrees...More

August 10, 2014
The Expert Client Model
Through the USAID-funded IMPACT program and with the support of a joint Ministry of Health ART/PMTCT Technical Working Group Task Force, CRS developed and implemented a peer-based...More

July 10, 2011
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
CRS Manager's Guide to SARAR-Based Community Health Modules
This guide has arisen from the request of CRS country programs to understand how SARAR*-based community health modules should be programmed into their projects and how to train...More