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March 1, 2010
Food Security in Eastern Africa and the Great Lakes Region
This is a summary of food security surveys and analyses commissioned under the C3P project. The document assesses the effects of banana and cassava disease on food and income...More

March 1, 2010
Responding to BXW Amidst Multiple Pathogens and Pests
Banana Xanthomonas wilt (BXW) is among the most serious threats to banana production in East and Central Africa. This document discusses the impact and epidemiology of BXW and the...More

March 1, 2010
New Spread of Cassava Brown Streak Virus Disease and Its Implications for the Movement of Cassava Germplasm in the East and Central African Region
Cassava is among the most important food crops in sub-Saharan Africa, and it is facing a new emerging threat in the cassava brown streak virus. This document, written by...More

March 1, 2010
Pilot Use of On-farm Vouchers to Disseminate Cassava Planting Material in Western Kenya
This document describes the use of on-farm vouchers (OFV) in Western Kenya to promote the dissemination of cassava planting material in a manner that reduces loss, provides choice...More

March 1, 2010
Reducing Food Insecurity Through Technology Transfer—Macropropagation (Uganda)
This brief describes the impact of banana Xanthomonas wilt in Uganda and the development and use of macro-propagation as a low-cost and farmer-centered technology to produce clean...More

March 1, 2010
Research›Case Studies
Cassava Cutting Movement from Primary to Bulking Sites (Burundi)
This document describes the effects of cassava disease in Burundi. It explores some of the principal causes of cassava cutting loss and provides a set of practitioner-oriented...More

March 23, 2010
Leveraging Nongovernmental Organizations for Scale and Impact
This paper briefly discusses the role of NGOs in agricultural interventions. It highlights some key lessons learned from Catholic Relief Services' experience managing a...More

March 1, 2010
Fighting Banana Xanthomonas Wilt Disease in Rwanda
This document describes the importance of the banana in Rwanda. It presents an overview of activities that C3P partners used to mitigate the effects of banana Xanthomonas wilt in...More

January 7, 2014
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Learning from Transitioning a Large Grant to Local Control in Tanzania
This learning paper describes CRS' successful transition of a large grant to local control in Tanzania.More

September 21, 2009
Tools for Field Staff›Tool Kits
Core Protection Training Modules
CRS created these training modules to help ensure that staff members have a shared understanding of protection . The training modules are designed to complement other CRS...More