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September 23, 2012
An Evaluation of Household Impact Among Fee-for-Service Savings Groups
This paper shares findings from a large-scale Randomized Control Trial of households that participated in Savings and Internal Lending Community groups in Kenya, Tanzania and...More
June 27, 2012
Group Performance in Fee-for-Service Savings Groups
This paper shares findings from a large-scale Randomized Control Trial of households that participated in Savings and Internal Lending Community groups in Kenya, Tanzania and...More
June 6, 2012
An Analysis of Agent Earnings in Fee-for-Service Savings Groups
This paper shares findings from a large-scale Randomized Control Trial of households that participated in Savings and Internal Lending Community groups in Kenya, Tanzania and...More
June 6, 2012
Agent Productivity in Fee-for-Service Savings Groups
This paper shares findings from a large-scale Randomized Control Trial conducted in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. It compares the productivity of Private Service Providers and the...More
February 10, 2009
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Increasing Savings and Solidarity among Households with Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Rwanda
This learning paper looks at linking the Savings and Internal Lending Communities (SILC) methodology with orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) programming in Rwanda. CRS...More
June 1, 2015
Research›Case Studies
A Sustainable Approach To Community-Based Savings in Rwanda
This report presents results from the final evaluation survey of Catholic Relief Services’ Private Service Provider (PSP) project in Rwanda’s Eastern Province, which was...More
July 13, 2016
Research›Impact Evaluations
Strengthening Trade, Building Peace
This overview of the Commerçantes Solidaires pour la Paix/Région des Grands Lacs (COSOPAX/RGL) project shares testimonies from women working together to promote conflict...More
October 16, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Microfinance Learning Briefs
LEARNING BRIEF 1: Mobilizing Savings for CAURIE-MF Clients in Senegal (8 pages) This learning paper documents the experience of CAURIE-MF, a CRS partner in Senegal, during the...More
October 16, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Improving Livelihood Outcomes for People Living with HIV
This 11-page document provides an overview of the goals and accomplishments of a CRS-supported project in Tanzania where microfinance and agricultural needs were integrated into...More
January 26, 2018
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Community-based Savings and Loans Schemes for Improved Livelihoods and WASH Service Delivery - the Northern Ghana Experience
A CRS project in northern Ghana uses savings groups to help rural communities build useful lump sums of money without excessive debt or interest payments. The groups are organized...More