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January 28, 2020
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Rising from Resilient Roots
Rising from Resilient Roots is a one-day resilience-strengthening workshop designed to help participants in fragile and conflicted contexts find inner peace by understanding and...More

November 30, 2020
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
A Journey Towards a Peaceful Masculinity
The curriculum is intended to be used by project implementers, planners and gender integration and youth development practitioners in CRS programming. The aim is to support...More

January 1, 2024
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Value Chain Toolkit
The Value chain tool kit provides methods to support male (♂) and female (♀) farmers in the “Build to Grow to Prosper” phases of the CRS Pathway to Prosperity (Figure 1). Through...More

April 17, 2024
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
FINDING YOUR INNER STRENGTH: Building Emotional Resilience and Social Cohesion in the Face of Adversity
Our working assumption is that all communities in which we work have experienced loss or trauma. Because of this, we are more likely to achieve our objectives when we take a...More