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January 15, 2009
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Guidelines for Establishing and Operating Successful Support Groups for People Living with HIV
Catholic Relief Services conducted research with more than 10 organizations in Zimbabwe to understand the keys to formation and operation of successful support groups. This...More
July 15, 2009
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Water and Conflict
Much of the world’s population lacks adequate clean water, either because of physical scarcity or because they are denied equitable access to water resources. Such...More
February 4, 2011
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
The Faithful House Couple Handbook
The Faithful House Couple Handbook is a picture-based summary of The Faithful House couple training and formation. It is intended to be used after a couple has had the Faithful...More
February 4, 2011
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
The Faithful House Couple Handbook
The Faithful House Couple Handbook is a picture based summary of The Faithful House couple training and formation. It is intended to be used after a couple has had the Faithful...More
March 15, 2008
Research›Case Studies
The Kibara Mission Hospital HIV Project
This case study describes the role that savings and internal lending approaches to microfinance has played in strengthening the economic wellbeing of HIV-affected households in...More
November 15, 2012
Research›Case Studies
Considering Gender in Farmers' Groups
This case study offers insights about gender roles and gender dynamics within 14 farmers' groups in Madagascar. The findings and recommendations will help improve how Catholic...More
July 15, 2010
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Considerations in Home-Based Care for People Living with HIV
This guidance document offers water supply and sanitation facility and hygiene promotion design considerations and recommendations intended to increase access to these facilities...More
May 1, 2012
Impacts of Food Vouchers on Local Markets
Food vouchers, as well as local and regional procurement programs, are assuming greater importance as alternatives to traditional food aid. CRS commissioned a study to analyze the...More
December 15, 2012
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Learning From Urban Transitional Settlement Response in the Philippines
This publication documents CRS' experience in implementing an urban transitional settlement program in response to the destruction caused by Tropical Storm “Washi...More
July 15, 2008
Programming for Impact
Working from a variety of disciplinary perspectives—including child development, child protection, and child health—this report examines CRS-supported programs for...More