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October 2, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
The Human Face of the Communities Leading Development (CLD) Project
Upon the completion of the Communities Leading Development (CLD) project in 2023, USAID and Catholic Relief Services (CRS) decided to compile the project's key programming,...More
October 17, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Community Development Plans
Guatemala continues to be a country with great inequalities. According to the 2020 Human Development Report, Guatemala placed 127th out of 170 countries in the Human Development...More
October 17, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Manual Estufas Uk´u´xJa, corazón del hogar
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) , es la agencia internacional humanitaria de la iglesia católica de Estados Unidos, fundada en 1,943 tiene como misión asistir a los pobres y...More
October 25, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Introduction to Trauma Awareness and Resilience
This training, which was driven by CRS' country program in South Sudan, consists of three parts: The Main Workshop: Introduction to Trauma Awareness and Resilience, intended for...More
October 25, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Guide to Facilitating Community-Led Disaster Risk Management
This guide builds on previous manuals produced by CRS and CAFOD, adding new sections on how to strengthen community leadership and participation mechanisms, and how to integrate...More
May 25, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Child-Optimized Financial Education (COFE) manuals
CRS’ curriculum, entitled Child-Optimized Financial Education (COFE): Moving Families from Vulnerability to Thriving, is unique among financial education curricula. It helps...More
January 1, 2024
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Value Chain Toolkit
The Value chain tool kit provides methods to support male (♂) and female (♀) farmers in the “Build to Grow to Prosper” phases of the CRS Pathway to Prosperity (Figure 1). Through...More
March 20, 2024
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Digital Development Guidebook
In an era where digital development organizations are pivoting from a technology-centric to a more holistic, people-focused approach, the importance of integrating local context,...More
April 23, 2024
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Labor-Saving Technologies: Reducing women's workload and shifting gender norms in Ghana
This 4-page brief summarizes CRS-Ghana's “Empowerment through Innovation Project”, that piloted 4 labor-saving technologies (cookstoves, seed dibblers, water carts and treadle...More
June 29, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Singing to the Lions
By Jonathan Brakarsh with Lucy Steinitz Singing to the Lions is a free training package (facilitator’s guide, supplement and video) by CRS, that is designed to help children and...More